Want a simple and proven-to-be-successful plan to follow. Here are your options.
Our ROAP coaches have been writing training plans for clients for over one and a half decades. Over that time, you start to see what works and what doesn’t. Although a personalised plan is definitely the best option, sometimes you are more limited to time and finances, making these more suitable.
We have various options for you to purchase with more being created weekly.
All of the plans below have been written with the ability and safety of the climber in mind. Having expert advice on some specific training can go a long way and we are certain that the supplementary training plans below will hit the mark perfectly.
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Level 1: For the intermediate climber (V2/6a/5.10 up to v5/7a/5.12)
Level 2: For the advanced climber (v6/7a+/5.12a up to v8/8a/5.13b)
Level 3: For the expert climber (V9/8a+/5.13c and upwards)
Hangboarding is an essential training tool. Often misunderstood, put on a pedestal or surrounded with fear, the hangboard should be used by pretty much every climber.
Our ROAP coaches have developed three hangboard training plans that will not only provide schedules, but understanding - teaching you why you should use certain protocols and when. They are progressive, so if you have completed level 1, you can move on to level 2 (more info on timings in plan), likewise for level 2 progressing onto level 3.

Level 1: For the intermediate climber (V2/6a/5.10 up to v5/7a/5.12)
Level 2: For the advanced climber (v6/7a+/5.12a up to v8/8a/5.13b)
Level 3: For the expert climber (V9/8a+/5.13c and upwards)
Developed by Wolfgang Gullich when he was training to climb Action Directe (9a/5.14d), the campus board is the best tool at developing raw power. Whether you are new to the campus board or have been using it for years, there plans will not only improve your technique, but help you develop more power than you could have ever imagined.

Level 1: For the intermediate climber (V2/6a/5.10 up to v5/7a/5.12)
Level 2: For the advanced climber (v6/7a+/5.12a up to v8/8a/5.13b)
Level 3: For the expert climber (V9/8a+/5.13c and upwards)
Our pre-written plans have been carefully prepared with the sport-climber in mind. Robin and Alex have clients operating at all levels. Be it new to the sport or operating at 9a+/5.15a and above.
They have written plans for hundreds of athletes and know what works and what doesn't - specifically with the sport-climber in mind. Want to tick off your projects? This is for you.

Level 1: For the intermediate climber (V2/6a/5.10 up to v5/7a/5.12)
Level 2: For the advanced climber (v6/7a+/5.12a up to v8/8a/5.13b)
Level 3: For the expert climber (V9/8a+/5.13c and upwards)
Alex has climbed over 240 V11s and above, including 8 V14s! Both Robin and Alex have clients operating as a very beginner and as professional athletes. They know what it takes to focus in on your goals. Be it top tips and tricks (technically) and physical training - these will help you level up.