Need some help achieving your goals. Look no further!
Our ROAP coaches have two personlalised plans on offer. These plans are written by Alex and Robin for you, your schedule, your goals and your strengths and weaknesses. These are our top plans that will help you become the climber you want to be.
Assessing yourself objectively is crucial. We offer both in-person and remote options for sport-specific and athletic function testing.

Constant text, video, voice messaging
Free to Schedule calls
4 analysis videos per month*
Early-bird access to retreats, products and clinics
Highest discounted access to our extended network of physiotherapists, personal trainers, sports psychologists, nutritionists and other partners.
Climbing assessment included in price.
Exclusive access to YouTube content.
Limited to 60 clients
$250/ Month
In platform communication
1 upfront call with your coaches*
Access to both coaches
Discounted access to video analysis
Early-bird access to retreats, products and clinics
Discounted access to our extended network of physiotherapists, personal trainers, sports psychologists, nutritionists and other partners.
Discounted price for remote assessment
Exclusive access to YouTube content.
Limited to 65 clients
$200 / Month
You will be training and communicating with your coaches throughout, ensuring progress and that you are on track.
*Constant Communication
1 video analysis climbs per week (*additional discounted analysis can be purchased at any time - $100 for 5 videos - 20% discount)
Exclusive content access. Various videos of pro tips and tricks shared with only you, our platinum clients.
Early-bird access to our new products, retreats and clinics.
Our best discounted access to our professional network or physiotherapists, sports psychologists, dieticians/nutritionists and personal trainers.
Our creme de la creme training programme.
After your first initial consultation with Robin and Alex, you will go through a remote assessment that will highlight all of your strengths and weaknesses - from your sport-specific climbing prowess, to your base athletic function (see assessments for more info), movement analysis and even your psychological state.
From here, based on your schedule, Robin and Alex will write you a training plan that will target these weaknesses, whilst building upon your strengths - allowing us to come closer to your climbing goals. You will have *constant communication with your coaches as well as having 1 video analysis climbs per week. You can purchase more at any time here.
3 MONTHS - $260PM OR UP FRONT $735(PM) ($245PM)
6 MONTHS - $245PM OR UP FRONT $1380 ($230PM)
Before you buy, we’d like to make sure this is the right product for you. Please click on the “get in touch” button above and send us more info. We’ll get back to you ASAP.
Constant Communication*
1 video analysis climb per week (*additional discounted analysis can be purchased at any time - $100 for 5 videos)
Exclusive content access. Various videos of pro tips and tricks shared with only you, our platinum clients.
Early-bird access to our new products, retreats and clinics.
Our best discounted access to our professional network or physiotherapists, sports psychologists, dieticians and personal trainers.
There will be a limited number of platinum clients.

Truecoach (App) text communication with your coaches
1 upfront call with your coaches (You can purchase additional discounted calls at any time here - $50 for 15mins and $80 for 30mins)
Discounted access to video analysis (You can purchase additional discounted analysis at any time here - $100 for 5 videos - 20% discount)
Discounted Remote Assessment at $175)
Discounted access to our professional network or physiotherapists, sports psychologists, dieticians/nutritionists and personal trainers.
Early-bird access to our new products, retreats and clinics.
If you prefer getting on with the job, then this could be the plan for you.
You have the option of purchasing a climbing assessment (which we highly recommend), but if not, this plan will be based on your interpretation of your strengths and weaknesses as well as your schedule, goals and available equipment/gyms.
You will be able to track your progression and send it to your coaches for them to analyse monthly before your next phase.
You will have a call with your coaches at the start of your plan in order for it to be truly personalized. More can be purchased at any time here.
3 MONTHS - $175PM OR UP FRONT $495(PM) ($165PM)
6 MONTHS - $165PM OR UP FRONT $900 ($150PM)
Before you buy, we’d like to make sure this is the right product for you. Please click on the “get in touch” button above and send us more info. We’ll get back to you ASAP.
*All plans delivered in 4-week phases. One month is considered to be 4 weeks, so a 3-month plan is 12 weeks’ long and a 6 month plan is 24 weeks in total.