Robin and Alex run various clinics, from the basics to world-cup/dynamic movement.
Clinics provide a great opportunity for shared learning. ROAP offer a variety of clinics that can all be customised to your needs.
All clinics have the opportunity for poster signing and an open Q&A at the end.
Typically ROAP group our clinics in terms of abilities, such as: beginner/intermediate AND intermediate/advanced. This is done so that the group feels more comfortable and confident amongst one another.
If you want more information or want to see if ROAP can help, then click on the “Enquire Today” button below.
Robin and Alex have been delivering clinics for years. Here are some examples of popular clinic ideas:
(Warming up and injury prevention; footwork - trusting your feet; hand hold exploration; efficient movement - body awareness, ankle, knee and hip positioning; dynos and dynamic movement; competition-style climbing - coordination, jumps and volumes; mental game and our approach to sports psychology - positive thinking, removing self-doubt; advanced techniques and angle-specific climbing.
ROAP also offer bespoke clinics: Robin and Alex are confident in providing workshops for you. Whether you want a group assessment, workshops on training/training plans or a coached-training session to push you to your limits. ROAP offer youth/team clinics, competition preparation and gender-specific options too.